A statue depicting defiance at the Rodin Museum in Paris.
Chocolate shop Paris Francois Pralus Maitre Chocolaties. Sample chocolates sourced from around the world.
The base of the Eiffel Tower. Click on the large picture for more pictures and notes about Paris and visiting the tower.
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Showing nearby photos within 10 miles.
0.957 Miles - Eiffel Tower at night from the base ...Read more
1.077 Miles - Louvre Pyramid ...Read more
2.535 Miles - Le Chalet des Iles is a restaurant on an island inside Bois de Boulogne in Paris. Access is by a boat. ...Read more
1.305 Miles - Cafe de l'Homme during the day ...Read more
1.305 Miles - A light fish served with vegeatbles at Cafe de l'Homme during the day #food Paris ...Read more