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Prior spot | South East Missouri University. Great architecture and lots of green space. A great university in Cape Girardeau. Academic Hall.

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Murals on the food wall in Cape Girardeau

Prior spot | South East Missouri University. Great architecture and lots of green space. A great university in Cape Girardeau. Academic Hall.

The courthouse in Cape Girardeau from the flood wall.

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2.228 Miles - Tuscan Sun Restaurant inside Saint Francis Hospital ...Read more

0.881 Miles - The courthouse in Cape Girardeau from the flood wall. ...Read more

0.145 Miles - Prior spot | South East Missouri University. Great architecture and lots of green s ...Read more

2.482 Miles - 2 sides grillin barbecue. At the farmers market Thursdays from noon to 5. Pork sandwich, nachos, and one pound pulled pork. ...Read more

0.881 Miles - Murals on the food wall in Cape Girardeau ...Read more

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