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0.031 Miles - Steak at Deux Station #food 18.50 euro Paris France ...Read more
0.386 Miles - French Open 2018 ...Read more
0.501 Miles - Court Suzanne Lenglen at Roland-Garros French Open 2017 ...Read more
0.244 Miles - Small park with roses in Paris ...Read more
0.782 Miles - Le Chalet des Iles is a restaurant on an island inside Bois de Boulogne in Paris. Access is by a boat. ...Read more
0.496 Miles - Court 10 French Open qualifying ...Read more
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M185.53319285234,90.740640838755 108.96423136615,96.45575649414 86.476538996255,92.580528191406 195.3140578133,69.368214823095 184.48210698206,19.685717380369 87.510333153523,93.348908191721